Meet the Neeces!

Meet the Neeces! ♦

Neece Jewelers was founded by Gregory and Pamela Neece in 1985. Pam started her journey as a bench jeweler just out of high school over 50 years ago. She has an extensive background in all aspects of jewelry repair, stone setting, and takes pride in her unique custom design pieces. Her vast knowledge of "all things jewelry" is amazingly impressive. She holds certifications in Colored Stones and Diamond Grading from Gemological Institute of America. She is also a Pisces and enjoys spending time with her two dogs.

Pam (left) and Matt Neece (right)

Matthew Neece took his seat at the jewelry bench 26 years ago when he decided to join the family business. He has gained immense knowledge and wisdom from working alongside his mother Pam throughout the course of his career. Matt is skillful in the art of diamond setting, and all aspects of jewelry and watch repair, & custom design. He holds certifications in Colored Stones and Diamond grading from Gemoloigcal Institute of America, and certification in Horology (watchmaking) from the American Horology Institute.

Thank you for visiting our site! From the Neece Jewelers team!